Spice up your Outfits with Luna for Genesis3Females!
A Garter and Stockings ready for all kind of genres!
You Get:
-Garter for Genesis3Female
-Stockings for Genesis3Female
-4 Mat Sets for Garter & Stockings, iray optimized
Included Morphs:
Garterbelt Morphs:
Bethany7, Genevieve7, Gia7
Karen7, Lilith7, Olympia7
Ophelia7, Rune7, Victoria7
BodybuilderDetails, BodybuilderSize, Heavy
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR
Adjust StrapBottomBack, Adjust StrapBottomFront
Adjust StrapBottomL, Adjust StrapBottomLBack
Adjust StrapBottomLFront, Adjust StrapBottomR
Adjust StrapBottomRBack, Adjust StrapBottomRFront
Adjust StrapLBack, Adjust StrapLBackLength
Adjust StrapLFront, Adjust StrapLFrontLength
Adjust StrapLFrontMid, Adjust StrapMidBack
Adjust StrapMidFront, Adjust StrapMidL
Adjust StrapMidLBack, Adjust StrapMidLFront
Adjust StrapMidR, Adjust StrapMidRBack
Adjust StrapMidRFront, Adjust StrapRBack
Adjust StrapRBackLength, Adjust StrapRFront
Adjust StrapRFrontLength, Adjust StrapRFrontMid
Adjust StrapTopBack, Adjust StrapTopFront
Adjust StrapTopL, Adjust StrapTopLBack
Adjust StrapTopLFront, Adjust StrapTopR
Adjust StrapTopRBack, Adjust StrapTopRFront
Adjust ThighLBack, Adjust ThighLFront, Adjust ThighLTop
Adjust ThighRBack, Adjust ThighRFront, Adjust ThighRTop
Stockings Morphs:
Bethany7, Genevieve7, Gia7
Karen7, Lilith7, Olympia7
Ophelia7, Rune7, Victoria7
BodybuilderDetails, BodybuilderSize, Heavy
Adjust AnkleL, Adjust AnkleR
Adjust CalfL, Adjust CalfR
Adjust KneeBendL, Adjust KneeBendR
Adjust KneeL, Adjust KneeR
Adjust ShinL, Adjust ShinR
Adjust ThighLBack, Adjust ThighLFront, Adjust ThighLTop
Adjust ThighRBack, Adjust ThighRFront, Adjust ThighRTop