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Netalicious DS
Ava Outfit G8F

It's time to continue with sexy wardrobe for Genesis8Female.

You get:
- Garter for Genesis8Female
- Caps for Genesis8Female
- Stockings for Genesis8Female
- Panty for Genesis8Female
- 6 Mat sets, iray optimized
- wearable preset

Included Morphs:

Ava Outfit G8F Morphs:

Aiko8, Alexandra8, CJ8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Kala8, Latonya8, Monique8
Olympia8, Penny8, Sydney8
Victoria8, Zelara8
Adjust BreastL, Adjust BreastLExpand, Adjust BreastLInside
Adjust BreastLOutside, Adjust BreastLTop, Adjust BreastLUnderside
Adjust BreastR, Adjust BreastRExpand, Adjust BreastRInside
Adjust BreastROutside, Adjust BreastRTop, Adjust BreastRUnderside

Aiko8, Alexandra8, CJ8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Kala8, Latonya8, Monique8
Olympia8, Penny8, Sydney8
Victoria8, Zelara8
Thin, Voluptuous
Adjust Abdomen, Adjust AbdomenL, Adjust AbdomenR
Adjust Back, Adjust BackL, Adjust BackR
Adjust Chest, Adjust ChestLower, Adjust ChestUpper
Adjust ClipBackL, Adjust ClipBackR
Adjust ClipFrontL, Adjust ClipFrontR
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust NeckBack, Adjust NeckBackL, Adjust NeckBackR
Adjust NeckFront, Adjust NeckFrontL, Adjust NeckFrontR
Adjust NeckL, Adjust NeckR
Adjust StrapBackL, Adjust StrapBackR
Adjust StrapFrontL, Adjust StrapFrontR
Adjust ThighBackL, Adjust ThighBackR
Adjust ThighFrontL, Adjust ThighFrontR
Adjust WaistBack, Adjust WaistL
Adjust WaistBackL, Adjust WaistBackR

Aiko8, Alexandra8, CJ8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Kala8, Latonya8, Monique8
Olympia8, Penny8, Sydney8
Victoria8, Zelara8
Thin, Voluptuous
Adjust Crotch, Adjust CrotchBack, Adjust CrotchFront
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteLTop
Adjust GluteR, Adjust GluteRTop
Adjust Glutes
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontR
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust ThighLFront, Adjust ThighRFront

Aiko8, Alexandra8, CJ8, Ellithia8
Gia8, Girl8, Kala8, Latonya8, Monique8
Olympia8, Penny8, Sydney8
Victoria8, Zelara8
Thin, Voluptuous
Adjust AnkleInsideL, Adjust AnkleInsideR
Adjust AnkleOutsideL, Adjust AnkleOutsideR
Adjust CalfL, Adjust CalfR
Adjust ClipBackL, Adjust ClipBackR
Adjust ClipFrontL, Adjust ClipFrontR
Adjust FootL, Adjust FootR
Adjust HeelL, Adjust HeelR
Adjust KneeBackL, Adjust KneeBackR
Adjust KneeInsideL, Adjust KneeInsideR
Adjust KneeL, Adjust KneeR
Adjust KneeOutsideL, Adjust KneeOutsideR
Adjust ShinInsideL, Adjust ShinInsideR
Adjust ShinL, Adjust ShinR
Adjust ShinOutsideL, Adjust ShinOutsideR
Adjust ThighBackL, Adjust ThighBackR
Adjust ThighFrontL, Adjust ThighFrontR
Adjust ThighInsideL, Adjust ThighInsideR
Adjust ThighOutsideL, Adjust ThighOutsideR
Adjust ToesL, Adjust ToesR
Adjust TopBackL, Adjust TopBackR
Adjust TopInsideL, Adjust TopInsideR
Adjust TopOutsideL, Adjust TopOutsideR

You need:
  • Genesis 8 Female
  • Genesis 8.1 Female
  • Does not work in Poser
  • DAZ Studio 4.21+

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 24 January, 2023.

Interactive License (+$50.00)