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Vanity Hat G3F
Alethea Outfit G8F

A new breathtaking outfit for Genesis8Females await you.

You get:
-Alethea Gloves for Genesis8Females
-Alethea Suit for Genesis8Females
-Alethea Top for Genesis8Females
-Stockings for Genessis6Females
-4 Mat sets, iray optimized
-wearable preset

Included Morphs:

Aiko8, Charlotte8, Daisy8, Ellithia8
Eva8, Freja8, Gabriela8, Girl8
Latonya8, Monique8, Olympia8
Adjust ForearmL, Adjust ForearmLTop
Adjust ForearmR, Adjust ForearmRTop
Adjust HandL, Adjust HandR
Adjust WristL, Adjust WristR

Aiko8, Charlotte8, Daisy8, Ellithia8
Eva8, Gabriela8, Gia8, Honni8, Josephene8
Kala8, Kayo8, Latonya8, MeiLin8, Millawa8
Monique8, Olympia8, Penny8, Sahira8
Sydney8, Tasha8, Twosret8, Zelara8
Brooke8_1, Victoria8_1
BodybuilderDetails, BodybuilderSize, Heavy, Voluptuous
Adjust AnkleLInside, Adjust AnkleLOutside
Adjust AnkleRInside, Adjust AnkleROutside
Adjust CalfL, Adjust CalfR
Adjust FootL, Adjust FootR
Adjust HeelL, Adjust HeelR
Adjust KneeL, Adjust KneeLBend, Adjust KneeLInside, Adjust KneeLOutside
Adjust KneeR, Adjust KneeRBend, Adjust KneeRInside, Adjust KneeROutside
Adjust ShinL, Adjust ShinLInside, Adjust ShinLOutside
Adjust ShinR, Adjust ShinRInside, Adjust ShinROutside
Adjust ThighLBack, Adjust ThighLBackInside, Adjust ThighLBackOutside
Adjust ThighLFront, Adjust ThighLFrontInside, Adjust ThighLFrontOutside
Adjust ThighLInside, Adjust ThighLOutside
Adjust ThighLTopBack, Adjust ThighLTopBackInside, Adjust ThighLTopBackOutside
Adjust ThighLTopFront, Adjust ThighLTopFrontInside, Adjust ThighLTopFrontOutside
Adjust ThighLTopInside, Adjust ThighLTopOutside
Adjust ThighRBack, Adjust ThighRBackInside, Adjust ThighRBackOutside
Adjust ThighRFront, Adjust ThighRFrontInside, Adjust ThighRFrontOutside,
djust ThighRInside, Adjust ThighROutside
Adjust ThighRTopBack, Adjust ThighRTopBackInside, Adjust ThighRTopBackOutside
Adjust ThighRTopFront, Adjust ThighRTopFrontInside, Adjust ThighRTopFrontOutside
Adjust ThighRTopInside, Adjust ThighRTopOutside

Charlotte8, Daisy8, Ellithia8, Eva8
Kala8, Kanade8, Latonya8, Leisa8
Millawa8, Penny8, Sydney8, Victoria8, Zelara8
Heavy, Voluptuous
BreastsShape01, BreastsShape02, BreastsShape03
BreastsShape04, BreastsShape06, BreastsShape07
Adjust Abdomen, Adjust AbdomenL, Adjust AbdomenR
Adjust AbdomenLowerL, Adjust AbdomenLowerR
Adjust Back
Adjust BreastLOutside, Adjust BreastLOutside2
Adjust BreastROutside, Adjust BreastROutside2
Adjust ChestBack, Adjust ChestBackL, Adjust ChestBackR
Adjust ChestL, Adjust ChestR
Adjust ChestLower, Adjust ChestLowerL, Adjust ChestLowerR
Adjust CollarLFront, Adjust CollarLTop
Adjust CollarRFront, Adjust CollarRTop
Adjust Crotch, Adjust CrotchBack, Adjust CrotchFront
Adjust GluteL, Adjust GluteR, Adjust Glutes
Adjust HipBack, Adjust HipBackL, Adjust HipBackR
Adjust HipFront, Adjust HipFrontL, Adjust HipFrontL2, Adjust HipFrontR, Adjust HipFrontR2
Adjust HipL, Adjust HipR
Adjust NeckBack, Adjust NeckBackL, Adjust NeckBackR, Adjust NeckL, Adjust NeckR
Adjust ScapulaL, Adjust ScapulaR
Adjust ShoulderL, Adjust ShoulderLTop
Adjust ShoulderR, Adjust ShoulderRTop
Adjust WaistBack, Adjust WaistBackL, Adjust WaistBackR
Adjust WaistFrontL, Adjust WaistFrontR
Adjust WaistL, Adjust WaistR

Charlotte8, Daisy8, Ellithia8, Eva8
Gabriela8, Gia8, Girl8, Kanade8, Kayo8
Latonya8, Leisa8, MeiLin8, Millawa8
Monique8, Olympia8, Penny8, Sahira8
Sakura8, Sydney8, Tasha8, Zelara8
Kiko8_1, RosaMaria8_1
Heavy, Voluptuous
BreastsHeavy, BreastsImplants, BreastsNatural
BreastsShape01, BreastsShape02, BreastsShape03, BreastsShape04
BreastsShape05, BreastsShape06, BreastsShape07, BreastsShape08
BreastsSize, BreastsSmall
Adjust BreastL, Adjust BreastLCenter, Adjust BreastLExpand, Adjust BreastLInside, Adjust BreastLInsideLower
Adjust BreastLOutside, Adjust BreastLOutsideLower, Adjust BreastLTop, Adjust BreastLUnderside
Adjust BreastR, Adjust BreastRCenter, Adjust BreastRExpand, Adjust BreastRInside, Adjust BreastRInsideLower
Adjust BreastROutside, Adjust BreastROutsideLower, Adjust BreastRTop, Adjust BreastRUnderside
Adjust BreastsCenterY, Adjust BreastsCenterZ
Adjust ChestBack, Adjust ChestBackL, Adjust ChestBackR
Adjust ChestL, Adjust ChestLBack, Adjust ChestR, Adjust ChestRBack
Adjust ChestUpperL, Adjust ChestUpperR
Adjust CollarLFront, Adjust CollarRFront
Adjust NeckBack, Adjust NeckBackL, Adjust NeckBackR
Adjust NeckL, Adjust NeckR

You need:
  • Genesis 8 Female
  • Genesis 8.1 Female
  • Does not work in Poser
  • DAZ Studio 4.22+

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 24 April, 2024.

Interactive License (+EUR47.72)